Outside view of VIDA Building

The Apartment Reading Nook

The Apartment Reading Nook

March 2021 

If you love to read, you know the magical effect diving into a good book can have. By creating a reading nook in your apartment, you can turn a good read into indulgent self-care.

A good book nook is made up of three key things: the right lighting, functional book storage, and a cozy factor. You’ll also want to choose the perfect location to settle in; it can be a corner space or an entire room that’s dedicated to reading, unwinding, and decompressing with the help of a good book.

Think about the things that make you feel happy and soothed, and bring those elements into your reading nook. Maybe that’s a plush throw blanket, your favorite chair, or a variety of houseplants and scented candles.

5 Ideas For Creating a Reading Nook

1. Use the brightest window in your apartment
Place a reading chair by the brightest window in your space to soak up all of the natural light on sunny days and to cozy up under a blanket on the rainy days.

2. Create ambient lighting in your nook
Having a well-lit space is essential to being able to see the pages of your books, but it also helps set the mood. Add an artsy reading lamp, some candles, or place some string lights around the nook.

3. Try a moveable book cart
If you don’t already have book shelves, save some space with a moveable book cart that you can wheel into your reading nook and then store in a closest when you’re not using it.

4. Block out outside noise
If the sounds of other residents, pets, or traffic threaten your peace, get creative with ways to block out unwanted noise. Laying down rugs and utilizing heavy curtains can help to dampen outside noise; or there’s always noise-cancelling headphones.

5. Insert a sentimental factor
Part of the cozy factor in a reading nook is familiarity. Insert a sentimental factor by framing or hanging your favorite artwork, inspirational quotes, handwritten notes, etc. in your space.